August 24, 2023
Rethinking Volunteer Recruitment: Basics and Beyond
Joined by: 
Beth Steinhorn
VQ Volunteer Strategies

Are you challenged with recruiting new volunteers? You aren’t alone. Recruitment difficulties are pervasive across the sector. While new circumstances demand new tactics, no one “quick fix” exists. Instead, we must adjust our strategies to ensure the volunteer positions we are seeking to fill are well-designed, meaningful, and appealing to prospective volunteers, then reduce barriers to volunteering and leverage new recruitment tactics to build your volunteer pipeline.

Join Civic Champs and volunteer engagement expert, Beth Steinhorn, of VQ Volunteer Strategies in this webinar to be able to:

  • Synthesize current research surrounding volunteer recruitment in the United States
  • Identify barriers to active engagement within their own organization
  • Develop a strategic approach to design or refine position descriptions to elevate engagement levels
  • Leverage volunteer personas to enhance outreach and recruitment efforts

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